
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Always and Forever

Always and forever. Our Lord promises that if you belong to Him, He will never leave nor forsake you. He is a promise-keeper. A covenant God. I find so much comfort in who He is and the promises he makes to His children. While the world is in turmoil, there is one thing that always remains the same - God's character and His Word. Yesterday, today and forever, God is the Unchanging One. Unlike you and me, He is not fickle, or wavering, or inconsistent. He does not leave a trail of broken promises. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end... and everything in between. He is always there. His love is perfect, complete and eternal. As we repent and put our faith in Him, we enter into the most beautiful of covenants. He gave His life for us. He is our redemption, our hope, our Saviour. This is the ultimate love story. Forever and always.

1 comment:


    Eli Eli
    lama sabachtani !
    Is that what you think, My child ?
    calm down, trust Me, don't be riled
    I am always at your side,
    don't forget, also for you I died.
    The world makes a lot of noise
    those who don't follow, it gladly destroys.
    I work in silence to open the doors
    I will provide you the perfect oars
    to steer your boat in My direction
    which will request a lot of circumspection.
    For you I don't set exorbitant expectations
    nor turn away when I see your frustrations
    I never promised you life would be easy
    more often than not it can be very cheesy.
    Stay with Me, My child, don't ever leave Me
    I hold you tight each time you want to flee
    you are so much Mine, I need you, I need you
    when it's difficult I pull you through.
    I promised you the victory
    which presently might seem contradictory
    but know My child that GOD NEVER LIES
    the way I will act will be a surprise.
    Come rest at My Heart while My Love is mounting
    and every hair on your head I have been counting.
    Walk in My footsteps it's your only security
    to continue your life in innocence and purity.
    This world is heading for total destruction
    'cause it surrendered to the evil one's seduction.
    Offer Me all your doubts and hardships
    and I will turn them into Divine Worships.
    I wait for you, My daughter
    to refresh your soul with My Salvation Water.

    Your Jesus, Your Lord and Savior who loves you more than you can imagine.
    Rita Biesemans June 17th 2013
